Show Within a Show: In the end, Enrique starts filming 'The Visit', a film based on Ignacio's script. Shout-Out: The use of the song 'Moon River' is almost certainly a shout out to Breakfast at Tiffany's, a film that shares the themes of abusive sexual relationships and bartering sex, as well as the device of a writers' blocked writer and a very distinctive color palette. She Is All Grown Up: Enrique's and Ignacio's reunion as adults has shades of this. #Chander pahar original sunday suspense mp3 download movie#
Set Behind the Scenes: The filming of the movie 'The Visit' is showed.As an adult, he chooses to blackmail the priest into giving him 1 million pesetas to pay for his heroin addiction and sex change. Ignacio was molested by Sr Berenguer when he was a child. Rape as Backstory: A rare unsympathetic male example.Since Ignacio was already heavily addicted to it, and when Juan and Berenguer drug him, it just looks like an overdose. Perfect Poison: The pure heroin that ends up killing Ignacio.Pedophile Priest: Father Manolo/Sr Berenguer, who molested Ignacio when he was a kid.Nude-Colored Clothes: This dress, worn by Ignacio during his time as a drag queen.Not Good with Rejection: Sr Berenguer when Juan refuses to see him.The real Father Manolo is played by Lluís Homar, who was 47 at the time the film was released.
Most Writers Are Writers: Ignacio writes 'The Visit', a film script. But in the process, Juan ends up involved with the same men Ignacio was with, and ends up dressing up as a transvestite, like Ignacio used to. Lost in Character: In a sense, since Juan is only pretending to be his brother, Ignacio. And then played straight with the real Ignacio, who has stubble and an extremely deep voice. Incredibly Conspicuous Drag: Averted with Zahara, who makes an effort to adopt feminine mannerisms, hair, and makeup on top of the women's clothing. He even gets what he wanted and becomes a succesful actor, but was later relegated to television work. Karma Houdini: Juan never gets punished for having killed his brother, except for Enrique's What the Hell, Hero? moment. The outer story is about Ángel in the present trying to get Enrique to adapt his script to film. The inner story is about Ignacio's past and history with Father Manolo and his time as a transvestite. Female Gaze: There's a shot where the camera spends a good amount of time focused on Gael García Bernal's crotch. All he manages to get are breast implants, and he still looks like a man in spite of that. Ignacio is prevented from having one because he doesn't have enough money. When Enrique passes out during oral sex, Zahara ends up having intercourse with him while he's asleep. Dude, She's Like, in a Coma!: After the performance at the drag club, Enrique returns back to his hotel room to have sex with Zahara. Although, Ignacio isn't his real name in the first place. Do Not Call Me 'Paul': Ignacio insists that Enrique call him 'Ángel', his stage name. Later, it's revealed that he's in the process of getting surgery for a sex change. Crossdresser/Drag Queen: Ignacio is a drag queen onstage and a crossdresser off. Casting Couch: Ángel's deal with Enrique to play Ignacio in 'The Visit'. Camp Gay: Zahara's friend, who acts much more flamboyant than she does, despite not being a drag queen. Blackmail: Ignacio uses his script, 'The Visit', to blackmail Father Manolo into giving him 1 million pesetas. In reality, Ignacio was poisoned by Juan and Sr Berenguer. Ignacio didn't die from having his neck broken by Father Manolo. The parts of the script that Enrique adapts really happened, up until the ending. Based on a True Story: In-universe example in 'The Visit'.
The Atoner: Juan does this by the end by killing Sr Berenguer.Attractive Bent-Gender: Gael García Bernal is very pretty as a drag queen.Not to be confused with BBC comedy Bad Education.